North America - Human Uses & Side Effects

Global warming 

Human have a great impact on coniferous forest logging may worsen global warming and destroy habitat of some animals. When trees are cut down in, the process and other are forced to leave.


Cutting down trees also affects the climate. Trees produce O2 and reduce CO2 when trees are cut down their ability to reduce carbon is eliminated. Since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, this contributes to global climatic change.

Protected area projects – which constitute just under half (100 projects by count), of the total forest portfolio – have largely been successful in setting up critical conservation areas and building their management capacity.
Forest management is a branch of forestry concerned with the overall administrative, economic, legal and social aspects and with the essentially scientific and technical aspects, especially silver culture, protection, and forest regulation.



  1. We should really work on the solutions of deforestation to reduce global warming.

  2. Great input on Forest Management!!!

  3. It's a cyclic reaction where forests are always at the bad end for Global Warming. Cutting trees (de-forestation) contributes to increase in temperature (global warming). With increased temperature, incidents of forest fire increases with trees and forests again at the losing side.

  4. Good work. Outlines the major threats facing the biome and how humans have affected it. Good information on the solutions as well, however more detail on how it will help and how successful/important it would be would have made it even better. A prediction on what might happen in the future would also have made it better. Overall, a very good effort.

    1. Thanks a lot for your grateful words.
      We will surely do our best to improve our blog.

      Thanks and regards,
      Students of Blue Bells Public School

  5. You've showed good understanding about deforestation and it's solutions.

    It would be even better if you corrected some of the grammar mistakes.

    By Ariel

    1. We will read the blog again, find the mistakes and rectify them.

  6. Good introduction, side effects of deforestation and solutions for the problems.

    By Makoto S
