North America- Flora & Fauna


Temperate coniferous forests are terrestrial biomes found in the temperate regions of the world. These found in areas that have long winters and moderate to high annual rainfall. These forests make up one third of the world’s forest and found in parts of North America .The northern American coniferous forest also known as the taiga, or the boreal forest.



Coniferous forest vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees. The understory also contains a wide variety of herbaceous and shrub species. Pines, spruces, firs, and larches are the dominant trees in coniferous forests


Mammals found in the coniferous region include moose, deer, reindeer or caribou, mice and squirrels. Predators include wolves, lynxes, bears, foxes and wolverines. Wolverines are small, fierce carnivores that belong to the weasel and stoat family.

The bear lives in the coniferous forest as an omnivore. Every summer the bear feasts upon berries and salmon to "fatten up" for their long winter hibernation. When snows begin to fall the fat bear goes to its den and sleeps until the spring comes again.


The moose (North America) or elk (Eurasia) is the largest extant species in the deer family.

A lynx plural lynx or lynxes are any of the four species within the Lynx genus of medium-sized wild cats.


A food web (or food cycle) is the natural interconnection of food chains and generally, a graphical representation (usually an image) of what-eats-what in an ecological community .Another name for food web is a consumer-resource system.


  1. Good Attempt!!! Though we could have added a Food Web prevalent in the Coniferous Forests.

  2. Houses species of animals which cannot be found in other regions or forests

  3. This is really informative! I think it's good that there's a picture to go with each animal/plant and the food web is clear and easy for the reader to understand. It would be even better if perhaps you added how these animals/plants have adapted to coniferous forests (e.g the way they live, physical features, etc).

    1. Thanks a lot for the appreciation.
      We will surely work on your suggestion.
      Students of Blue Bells Public School

  4. Very clear food webs and it shows the connections between the plants and animals. It would be even better if you said how they are adapted to the climate and the importance of the biosphere.

    1. Thanks for your kind words.
      We will look up to your suggestions and work to make this blog more informative.

      Best regards,
      Students of Blue Bells Public School

  5. You clearly showed the adaptation of many animals, added a food web to show their independence and showed pictures of animals and plants with clear labels. However it seemed that you copied and pasted all the fauna paragraphs - remember to reference or put in your own words. Lastly, it would be even better if you discussed the importance of biosphere. Despite that, the website was good.

    By Keon B

    1. We are really obliged by your kind words.
      We will surely research more on biosphere.

      Thanks and regards,
      Students of Blue Bells Public School

  6. do i have your permission to use the forest trees photo for my science project
